Dad Spotlight: Jeff Bearden on Battling Bullying

In episode 25 of Dad Spotlight, Jeff talks about how and why children turn to bullying as well has how to disarm a bully. He also takes this opportunity to advise parents on how to promote bullying safety in...

KFOR TV, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Jeff recording his interview for KFOR TV with broadcasting legend and 15-time Emmy Winner Linda Cavanaugh in Oklahoma City,...

Michigan Mom Living: When Bullying Hits Too Close to Home

In this article for Michigan Mom Living, Jeff Bearden talks about bullying with in the household, focusing on the the omnipresence of sibling teasing, aggression, and conflict through history. Jeff also cites a University of New Hampshire survey on the importance of...

Tearaway: 4 Ways You Are Making Your High School Experience Suck

In this post for Tearaway, Jeff lists the most common ways that teenagers make their high school experience much more difficult than needed to be. The list explains how Jeff noticed each key mistake and let readers know how to avoid them to encourage a much more...

Focus on the Palmetto State

Jeff Bearden on set for Focus on the Palmetto State with host Laurel Vaughn, WMYA-TV MY40, Greenville, South Carolina....

Fox 45 Baltimore

Jeff Bearden on set to film his interview for Fox 45 Baltimore.

The Crystal Show: How to Get Over a Bad Breakup

On The Crystal Show, Jeff Bearden Talks about how relationships end. Not only does he signs of a failing relationship, Jeff also goes into the characteristics and causes of unhealthy and dangerous breakups. The interview also touches on a safe ways to both end the...

Tearaway: Dealing with Frenemies

In this article for Tearaway, Jeff Bearden explains the difficult topic of frenemies. Frenemies are not easily catagorizable. They act like friends to a person who trusts them, but then they frequently betray rumors and hurtful information about that person to others....

Kingdom Empowerment Inc: Dealing with Bullies as a Christian

Speaking with Donna Ghanney of Kingdom Empowerment Inc, Jeff talks about the effects of bullying on kids. He then goes into how to combat bullying by building a strong, supportive Christian household behind children. Jeff also uses this interview to examine the ways...

The Catholic Times

The Catholic Times highlights Jeff Bearden’s work. Jeff Bearden on Times cover Jeff Bearden Times Feature Jeff Bearden Universe...